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Ray Dearborn's picture

Spreading the good word of Big Listening and Minimum Viable Campaigning

on February 6, 2013 - 10:53am

This week, our illustrious leader, Rachel Weidinger, is present at the Greenpeace Digital Mobilisation Skillshare outside Barcelona. (Follow along on Twitter at #GPDMS). 

This morning, Rachel led a session with global campaigners and organizers on Upwell's model of Big Listening and campaigning (for more on Big Listening, check out Rachel's guest post on Beth Kanter's blog). She not only explained what we do - she also had participants break out into groups to apply Upwell's model to other issue areas. Believe it or not, what we do doesn't just work for the ocean conversation!

Brian Fitzgerald, Greenpeace's Head of Digital Networking and Mobilization, blogged his notes from the session, as well as his awesome work at using our methodology for Indonesia's rainforests. Check out the awesomeness he and his team made:

I thought Brian's post was so awesome, I left a comment for him. You should too! 


Britt Bravo's picture

Big Blue Blogs: 100+ Ocean Conservation Blogs (Updated)

on January 15, 2013 - 2:00pm

A big thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions for more ocean conservation-themed blogs to add to the original 88 Big Big Blue Blogs post. I've updated the list below. It's up to over 100 blogs!

You can subscribe to the bundle of feeds here.

Feel free to let us know about more big blue blogs by emailing tips AT upwell DOT us, sending a tweet (, leaving a comment, or sending a message on Facebook.

Big Blue Blogs

Photo credit: Ocean Rainbow by David D.

Britt Bravo's picture

Sustainable Seafood Twitter List

on January 10, 2013 - 12:56pm

The extensive coverage of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna's decline is a great story to leverage in order to increase attention for your own sustainable seafood campaigns. We've created a list of folks who tweet regularly about sustainable seafood to help you with your outreach.

Feel free to let us know about more sustainable seafood tweeps by emailing tips AT upwell DOT us, sending a tweet (@Upwell_us), leaving a comment, or sending a message on Facebook.

You can see the list on Twitter, or below:

A Sea Change

Barton Seaver

Becky Selengut

Better Fish

Blue Ocean Institute

Bun Lai

Carl Safina

Casson Trenor

EDF Oceans



Fish Revolution!



Friend of the Sea

Fog Harbor FishHouse

Gabe the Fish Babe


Healthy Salmon


Jonathan Gonzalez

NOAA Fisheries


Ocean Wise

Paul Greenberg

Santa Monica Seafood



Seafood Choices

Seafood 4 the Future


SeaWeb Kids


Sustainable Seafoodie

Britt Bravo's picture

Upwell Holiday Cookie Party (photos)

on December 21, 2012 - 9:50am

On Wednesday night, we invited a few pals to the Upwell offices to make ocean-themed holiday cookies!

We'd love to have you over in 2013. If you're in the neighborhood, let us know. We know your Twitter handle, but we want to meet you face-to-face (:

Matt measures

Ray mixes

Rachel readies the dough

Saray checks the guest list

Francesca Koe (Director of Campaigns, NRDC) makes the first batch

Ray & Deb Castellana (Director of Communications, Mission Blue/Syvlia Earle Alliance)

Saray & Matthew Tucker (Public Programs Presenter, California Academy of Sciences) creating an otter with a sea urchin

Decoration station

Marla Aufmuth (photographer), Maria Finn (author of The Whole Fish) & Vanessa Barrington (PR Manager, Save the Bay)

We believe this to be the first ever cookie depicting Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.  This is what happens if you invite the community-minded map geeks from BlooSee to your open house.

Ray, Pedro Valdeolmillos (CEO & Founder, BlooSee),  and Tommy Chipman (Community Manager, BlooSee). Tommy made the awesome MPA cookie!

Happy Holidays!

Britt Bravo's picture

Online Ocean Activists Goodreads Group

on December 19, 2012 - 11:10am

I believe in the power of books, and in the power of book circles, which is why I've set up an Online Ocean Activists Goodreads group. It's a place for us to discuss books about online activism and communication with other ocean lovers to help us make the ocean more *famous* online. Every month, or so, we'll read a book and chat about it on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter. We might also have tweetchats, conference calls, or webinars with the authors.

To get started, let's brainstorm a list of books we want to read in 2013 (e.g. The Power of Infographics, The Dragonfly Effect, The Networked Nonprofit, Social Media for Social Good, Facebook Marketing for Dummies, Likeable Social Media). You can share your book suggestions by emailing us at tips AT upwell DOT us, sending a tweet (, leaving a comment, messaging us on Facebook, or posting on the Goodreads discussion board.

Flickr photo credit: A tornado of fish, or fishnado by chucknado.
